Server StratumStratum Two
IPv4 Address5.161.184.148
IPv6 Address2a01:4ff:f0:89e3::1
Server LocationIAD - Ashburn, VA, US
NetworkAS213230 Hetzner
Server ContactTanner Ryan

Synchronized Time

UTC2024-02-19 05:55:05.14
Local2024-02-18 23:55:05.14
StatusSynchronized (05:55:06)
Offset+23 ms
Latency (jitter)46 ms (±1 ms)
Time zoneAmerica/Chicago

Roughtime service

This server also provides secure Roughtime service. It is monitored and maintained at the same service level as the NTP service provided. The time is synchronized with stratum 1 upstreams.



ED25519 public key:


Here is a valid ecosystem.json file to use Roughtime provided by this server:

    "servers": [
        "name": "time.txryan.com",
        "publicKeyType": "ed25519",
        "publicKey": "iBVjxg/1j7y1+kQUTBYdTabxCppesU/07D4PMDJk2WA=",
        "addresses": [
            "protocol": "udp",
            "address": "time.txryan.com:2002"

Multiple servers are recommended. Here is a community contributed list provided by Cloudflare.



NTP Utilization

The number of incoming NTP requests and outgoing responses. A one second packet capture is performed every 5 minutes.

NTP Utilization graph

Network Utilization

The bandwidth utilization generated from the NTP requests and responses. A one second packet capture is performed every 5 minutes.

Network Utilization graph

System Time

The difference between the system clock and synchronized UTC. A positive value indicates that the system clock is ahead of UTC. A negative value indicates that the system clock is behind.

System Time graph

Last Offset

The estimated system clock offset on the last clock update. A positive value indicates that the system clock is ahead of UTC. A negative value indicates that the system clock is behind.

Last Offset graph

Root Mean Square Offset

The long-term average of the offset value.

RMS Offset graph


The rate by which the system clock would be wrong if correction was not applied. A positive value indicates that the system clock would be running faster without frequency correction. A negative value indicates that the system clock would be running slower.

Frequency graph

Residual Frequency

The difference between the weighted stratum 1 upstreams and the system frequency. A positive value indcates that the system clock frequency is being increased to match UTC time, correcting a slow clock. A negative value indicates that the system clock frequency is being decreased, correcting a fast clock.

Residual Frequency graph


The estimated error bound on the frequency. A lower value indicates a greater system clock frequency precision.

Skew graph

Root Delay

The total network path delays to the stratum 1 upstreams. A lower value results in greater system clock accuracy.

Root Delay graph

Root Dispersion

The total dispersion accumulated through root delays, statistical variation, and clock resolution. A lower value indicates a greater system clock accuracy.

Root Dispersion graph

Statistical Accuracy

The absolute error bound on the system clock's accuracy. This takes into consideration the system time offset, root delay, and root dispersion. This indicates the accuracy of the stratum 2 NTP service that time.txryan.com is currently offering.

Statistical Accuracy graph